Rubilee’s Escape House,
Rådhustorvet 5, 1. sal,
6400 Sønderborg

Tlf: 26 39 99 00

Mandag til onsdag: 12.30 - 20
Torsdag til lørdag: 12.30 - 23
Søndag: Lukket

Rubilee’s Escape House,
Rådhustorvet 5, 1. sal,
6400 Sønderborg

Tlf: 26 39 99 00

Mandag til onsdag: 12.30 - 20
Torsdag til lørdag: 12.30 - 23
Søndag: Lukket

Home Phone Email Scroll Top

Cookie Policy

At Rubilee’s Escape House we use cookies to be able to give you the best experience possible.

Cookies make us able to collect anonymous statistics we can use to target and tailor our products better. Our website uses own as well as third-part cookies.

We would like to inform you about:
• our collection and use of data

• which information about you we store from our website
• how we make use of these data
• who you can contact if you have further questions.

1. Responsible organ:

The responsible organ for the collection and use of your sensitive personal information is:

Rubilee Entertainment I/S
CVR: 37624292
Rådhustorvet 5, 1. sal
6400 Sønderborg
Tlf: 26 39 99 00

You can, at any point, request information about which data we have stored about you. You can also at any time request to have your information deleted.

Read more about this in the below.

If you have questions, you are always welcome to send us an e-mail on

2. Personal information

Personoplysninger er alle slags informationer, der i et eller andet omfang kan henføres til dig. Når du benytter vores hjemmeside indsamler og behandler vi en række sådanne informationer. Dette sker f.eks. når du udfylder vores kontaktformular med henblik på at blive kontaktet af én af vores medarbejdere.

I det omfang du udfylder vores kontaktformular og dermed giver eksplicit samtykke hertil behandler vi desuden: Navn, telefonnummer og e-mail.
Når du booker en Escape Room oplevelse hos os, beder vi dig om at oplyse visse personlige data. For at kunne booke vores ydelse skal du som minimum oplyse navn, adresse, e-mail og telefonnummer.

Dine persondata indhentes, registreres, opbevares og anvendes udelukkende med henblik på at gøre det muligt for dig at oprette en booking hos Rubilee’s Escape House, samt til at overholde vores bogføringsmæssige forpligtelser eller forpligtelser i henhold til forbrugerlovgivningen.

3. Hvad er en cookie?

”Cookies” er en tekstfil, som gemmes på din webbrowser (f.eks. Firefox, Safari eller lignende) med det formål at genkende browseren, huske indstillinger, udføre statistik og målrette annoncer. Cookies gør det lettere at anvende internettet, fordi du ikke hele tiden skal begynde forfra, men internettet husker dine præferencer.  Første gang du besøger vores hjemmeside modtager du automatisk en eller flere cookies.

Cookies cannot contain virus.

At Rubilee’s Escape House we currently only store the personal information mentioned above. In the future we will also be cookies to optimize ours marketing, i.e. Google Analytics..

How you avoid cookies?
If you do not want to receive cookies, you can block all cookies or delete existing cookies from your hard drive.

4. Security

We have made technological precautions to ensure that your information is not, accidentally or illegally, lost, published or misused.

5. The right of access

You have the right to get access to our stored information about you at any time, i.e. which information about you we have registered and where they come from.

6. The right to have your information deleted

We are obligated to delete any of your information not necessary to ensure we comply with our accounting obligations, and which are no longer relevant to complete your experience with us. If you wish to, you can have our stored information about you deleted.

7. The right to object

Du har til enhver tid ret til af særlige grunde, at gøre indsigelse mod vores behandling af dine personoplysninger. Retten til indsigelse indebærer, at du til enhver tid har ret til at gøre indsigelse mod en ellers lovlig behandling af dine personoplysninger, hvis der er særlige grunde til, at du ikke ønsker dine oplysninger behandlet.

Rubilee’s Escape House vil tage stilling til, om indsigelsen er berettiget, også selvom om vores behandling af oplysningerne i øvrigt er lovlig.

8. The right to withdraw consent

You can at any time withdraw your consent after you have given your consent to our processing of your personal information.
You can always make use of your right to have your information deleted by contacting us on

9. The right to complain

You have the right to submit a complaint to Datatilsynet, Borgergade 28, 5, 1300 København K regarding our processing of your personal information.

10. Automatically deleted personal information

According to the personal data low, we are commited to delete any data which we do not have a purpose to keep. This means that we continually delete data from our data bases.

Up for a challenge?

Set your team, pick your room, and solve the mission before your 60 minutes are up! Easy peasy? Maybe…